
the sign of hearts. they feel sadness just like you.

(foggy open spaces, old letters and pressed flowers, forgotten houses)


Algosiri don't move often, because of the great pain their body is always in. When they move, you feel the same pain.


Its sobs carry with them a resentful undertone. Nearby sensitives' tears are accompanied by a nonspecific, hateful anger.


It's torn in two by its own feelings, self destructive. It makes you afraid of hurting those close to you.


It's only friendly with others of its kind. The slime around its body makes whatever it lands on glow for a while.


It flies around, curious but never paying attention to things for long. It makes people just as indecisive as itself.


It acts like someone who's loved before, but hasn't loved in a long time; like it misses that feeling. All it wants is someone to hold close.


When you're around it, good things feel really good, but bad things feel really, really bad. Heightened emotions can make people do bad things...


You might have one in your bedroom. It's scared of everything, and it can make you scared of it. (But it won't hurt you.)


It's the size of a skyscraper. It's hard to see through the super-cold fog that comes from its mouth.


A tiny bit smaller than its parent strain, but that's not saying much. Caustic floodwater pours out of its mouth.


It can't see or live long unless it rips its sides open. It won't ever hold a grudge against you.

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