I’ve always liked Pidgey. I don’t love it, but I like it. It’s a plain, inoffensive, white-bread bird Pokemon. This is one actually good thing that came out of how plain Generation 1 was compared to later gens- if you know a thing or two about Pokemon, you know that the wildlife of the Pokemon universe is 95% Pokemon. Some real animals do still exist, but it’s mostly Pokemon- and Pidgey and most other “early bird” Pokemon are meant to stand in for the various species of tweety little songbirds that you might see in your yard from time to time. Design-wise, Pidgey is supposed to be a sparrow mixed with a cedar waxwing!

Pidgey’s cute. It’s not much to look at, but it’s a fine bird.

Pidgeotto is where the problem with this line arises, actually- it’s such a plain, milquetoast bird that most of the evolutionary stages don’t really look that different from each other. Pidgeotto is basically just a bigger Pidgey with nice hair and that’s kinda disappointing. At least it has a nice personality about it.

Pidgeot is literally just a bigger Pidgeotto with longer hair and the yellow stripes moved to said hair. Seriously. There’s so little different here from Pidgeotto that I can’t even think of anything else to say about it.

Thankfully, it’s not offensively bad, so I can’t give it a one-ball rating.

Mega Pidgeot is another one of those megas that makes you question “why wasn’t this the design for this mon to begin with?” This feels like much more of an actual conclusion for this line than normal Pidgeot does, with everything being much more exaggerated and some blue being added to the mix. The massive wings give you the vibe of an animal that's hyper-adapted for flight, especially with its tiny legs, and the extended crest doesn't really imply anything but it does look nice. It's a good mega design that really improves upon the original Pokemon.

Congratulations, Mega Pidgeot- you're decently interesting!

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